The 5 Questions

The purpose: To aim like a sniper to the heart of someone's problem.

Why these questions work: They take advantage of the brains natural wiring system to avoid pain.

Your role: To be a humble curious human. You simply ask questions and listen, with empathy.

To be successful: The greater your ability to connect and empathize, the greater your profit potential.

The history: These 5 questions were born from three schools of thought.

Andrew Warner from Mixergy did analysis on 700 interviews and found one common denominator in successful businesses. What was the pain?

Hiten Shah taught Andrew about "What's your magic wand solution?" and "How do you go about solving that problem?" on an interview about Kissmetrics.

I had been doing this process intuitively for years and teaching versions of it... then when Andrew and Hiten put the missing pieces together for me, I created this series of 5 questions.


Over the course of the last 12 months, what has been your most consistent present problem?


How do you go about solving that problem right now?


What happens if you don't solve that problem?


If you could wave a magic wand, or if you had a genie that could solve this, how would you solve that problem?


Would that be worth paying for? If so, how much?

Here's A Little More Background On

Some Of The Subtle Nuance To Doing This Right

We have over 15 millionaires who've done it in 4 to 5 years.